Sponsorships & Advertising
Chairman's Circle
Chairman’s Circle Sponsors enjoy the convenience of a once a year, inclusive contribution that ensures recognition at Citrus Heights Chamber events, the weekly newsletter and website. This is a great way to plan your community outreach, advertise, and promote your service.
Sponsorships Opportunities
The Chamber hosts a variety of events throughout the year to help you showcase your business. Below is a listing of our annual and monthly events. Multiple sponsorship packages are available and may qualify you for our President’s Circle Sponsorship throughout the year.
Monthly Luncheon Sponsorships
Monthly luncheons are very well attended by our membership on the second Tuesday of each month from 11:30 am to 1:00pm. With average attendance of 80 to 100 guests, these events provide a large audience for your message. Luncheon sponsors are given three minutes to present at the luncheon as well as a trade table, promotions in our E-Blasts and website. The cost for a monthly luncheon sponsorship is extremely reasonable at $295.00. Luncheon sponsorships are very limited. Please call the Chamber office to reserve one today!
March - Community Appreciation Awards
Each year the Chamber celebrates another year of serving our community by celebrating outstanding individuals in business and community positions as well as installing our new Board of Directors. This event provides sponsorship opportunities at a variety of levels as well as including a live and silent auction. You can participate as an event sponsor, or by donating a gift for our auctions.
TBD – Best of Citrus Heights
This program celebrates the best businesses from over forty different categories throughout the community. Eligible businesses are located within Citrus Heights or are current members of the Citrus Heights Regional Chamber of Commerce. Best Real Estate Agent/Company, Best Restaurant, Best Chiropractor and Best Place to Get a Car Wash are a sampling of the categories to be honored at this event. The winners are recognized during the January luncheon. Sponsorships are available.
August - Elected Officials Reception
The Chamber strives to bring you in contact with as many potential business partners as possible. We recognize the need to increase your exposure with our members and community by offering the following low-cost advertising opportunities.
On-Line Membership Directory, Enhanced Listing/Banner Ads
This advertising medium is an emailed flyer sent out to our membership with your information. These can be designed to promote your business, advertising a special event or promotion, or build brand awareness. E-Blasts are reasonably priced at $150.00. We simply need a pdf or word document sent to us one week before the date of transmission, and we will take care of the rest. Your E-Blast will also include a hyperlink to your business website.