Community Affairs Committee

Community Affairs Meeting meets the First Thursday of each month from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. Currently all meetings are being held at 5750 Sunrise Blvd., Suite 130 and via Zoom

The purpose of the Community Affairs Committee is to advocate for business in general and the members of the chamber in particular. When an issue is presented before the committee both sides are examined, consensus is reached and a recommendation is forwarded to the Board of Directors to take a position. In general the Board of Directors accepts the recommendation however, on occasion, they have taken a different position or requested the committee do additional research before the chamber forwards a public statement of support or opposition.

The voice of Citrus Heights business at the city, county and state levels; working with the city to accomplish common goals.  The business advocate for business friendly legislation through:

  • Participation in Local Business Issues
  • Coalitions / Partnerships
  • Land Use and Transportation
  • Legislative Bills


01 - MariJane LopezTaff Portrait

Jane Taff
City Council Member